
Button number: 166

Name: Amanda Gambold

Age: 45

Entry: August 2009, Gressenhall Work House, Dereham, Norfolk

This button reminds me of the cardigans my mum knitted for me back in the 60’s and 70’s. I always wanted shop bought clothes but mum sewed and knitted everything.

The button reminded me of the only input I was allowed, going to the shop to chose the buttons. We usually went to Woolworths, the biggest shop in town and it would take ages looking at all the different possibilities hanging on cards.

This button is like one I chose when I was about 10, for a ‘winter cardy’. I thought I was so grown-up. I realise now just how ungrateful I was and how much time and thought Mum put into all the patterns and bobbles. It seems so different looking back at that ungrateful child.

Sorry mum.