Directed by:
Luan Blake
Devised by:
Zoe Bouras
Tyler Coombes
Denise Evans
Kristian Dawson
Marion Duggan
Ivan Fabrega
Damian O’Gorman
Deb Pugh
Benjamin Reeves
Lee Town

Denise Evans
Ivan Fabrega
Damian O’Gorman
Benjamin Reeves
Lee Town

Guest Boxers:
Lloyd Ellet
Harry Bainbridge

Performance Director:
Marion Duggan

Visual Director:
Anna Symes

Dorothy Max Prior

Set and Costume Designer:
Lucy Bradbridge

Documentation curator:
Laura Trevail

Composer/Sound Designer:
Foz Foster

Composer/Sound re-design:
Charlie Parker

Writer/Writing Consultant:
Tara Gould

Site Specific Lighting Designer:
Geoff Hense

Outdoor Lighting Designer:
Andy Purves

Graffiti Artists:

Boxing Coach:
Nick Bell - Box Tec

Production Management:
Tash Padbury, Karen Cruiks and Nick Blower

Lighting and sound operator:
LLoyd Thomas

Visual Assistants:
Martha Brown, Nicola Benge and James Kuszewski

Guest Boxer:
Ryan Pickard